Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cooking Makes meh Happy!

So I challenged myself to cook every night this week, and it has been so incredibly fun. Now I find myself browsing though healthy recipes online in my free time! It's so exhilarating. I used to think being addicted to food was bad because I would go out to eat all the time, but now I figured out I can make those delicious meals at home and actually watch what goes into them. For instance, I made an apple crisp today but used very low amounts of butter and sugar, and instead used more nutmeg and cinnamon. It tasted delicious and had about a fourth of the calories as something at a restaurant. Plus the apple's were fresh!
The scale won't budge. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Almost everyday I go to the gym and do cardio for 30 minutes and then work either lower, upper or abs. I usually end up spending over an hour there. Plus I'm swing dancing a lot and I'm watching what I eat. I don't get it, how much longer do I have to wait until that number goes down :(

//sigh Encouraging comments would be mucho appreciated.


  1. Don't give up! Sometimes it just takes a while? If it doesn't budge soon, maybe talk to an expert? Some adjustments are automatic, but some take time. Don't give it up becuase it won't budge, just think of it as motivation to keep going with what you are doing. Also, depending on how long you have been at that weight, your body might have trouble wanting to let anything go. Just, think of it as a lifestyle change? Focus on that and the rest will follow in time (hopefully).

  2. You can do it! I think you aren't losing weight because of what you are eating. Be really careful what you eat because "Healthy" foods often have bad fats and sugar lurking in them. Use poly-unsaturated fats as much as you can - the "omegas" - and avoid saturated fats and anything with hydrogenated oil. Use oils (olive is best) instead of butter or margarine. Also, cut out sugar. Your body is extremely efficient at using sugar, and it will use sugar as an energy source before it touches anything else. Furthermore, if you keep eating small amounts of sugar, your body will keep craving it. If you stop eating sugar, your body will realize it doesn't need it, and after a week or two you won't be craving it. If your sweet tooth is calling, opt for fruit with no sugar added yogurt as a dip, or go for frozen yogurt sweetened with Splenda. Dark chocolate is also a good choice.

    Paula - you watched me work out and watch what I ate all last semester, without losing weight. Now that I have changed what I'm eating (and not drastically), I am losing weight, and it's wonderful. I'm not going to the gym, and I'm not starving. For me, I know stress level was a huge contributing factor. When you have a lot going on, be sure to take 15 minutes a day and chill; it will help immensely.

    Good luck!

  3. Paula, I'm so happy for you! I'm trying to lose weight too this summer! I was doing really well and lost about 8 pounds (working out every night and whatnot), but then I went to chicago with my dad and it all fell apart. I promise to get back on it VERY soon, though!

    I'm doing Weight Watchers. I don't go to the meetings (though I hear they can be extremely helpful) but rather have a set of books that my grandma sent me and am watching on my own :) I like the program because it easily breaks down how many "points" everything is worth, and it's easier than counting calories. Also, it allows you to cheat when it's really important (special night out, for example), and it's really nice about budgeting what you eat the proper way.

    I wish you luck! Let's both come back to school in the Fall looking great! :)

  4. The start is rough. Dont worry, it takes some time.
    As far as working out, building muscle will burn fat, but remember, muscle may be thinner, but weighs more for its size. The fat will come off after you add a little muscle, as more (and healthier) muscles will burn your body's energy more efficiently.
    Also, remember how long it took to gain that weight. Naturally, it should take that long to burn back off. Extreme diets rush that yes, but your body has to change slowly. Give it time.
    We're talking months here, not weeks. The best part now is, even if the weights sticking, the healthy food is making YOU healthier, and that will help you out in the later months!
